"I now have a network of connections all over the globe, and many of these connections are lifelong."

Both of my experiences in Berlin have shaped my academic and professional goals in a way that remaining at Barnard/Columbia for all four years of my undergraduate education could not have. Though my greatest passion and dedication in life has always been music, I didn’t know what kind of music I wanted to study in college. I remember my first time going to a techno club in Berlin, and I didn’t understand how anyone could really like it. It wasn’t until my second study abroad experience that I made friends in the community and talked to them about why they loved it so much that I began to enjoy it myself. I attended courses on the history of techno music in Berlin, I went out dancing with my friends, took time to chat with DJs and organizers in the scene, and I realized that this was the beginning of a lifelong interest and commitment.

Studying abroad gave me many great friendships as well. I now have a network of connections all over the globe, and many of these connections are lifelong. I still feel supported by these friends even though our time studying abroad together is over. My experience abroad also strengthened my sense of independence. I had to navigate new friendships, complete challenging coursework, work through a new academic environment, and secure housing, all by myself, and all in a language that I was (at first) only somewhat familiar with. Because of this, I now feel like I could take on any challenge that comes my way.